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Hunan General Equipment Industry Association celebrated the successful holding of the seventh session of the fifth meeting!

22 Dec 2023Email us

           Hunan General Equipment Industry Association seven five annual meeting was held in Changsha on December 20, 2023, the meeting was unprecedented, the main content of the meeting includes seven five 2023 annual work summary and eight one council election, sum up the past and rely on experience and lessons for the future development of the industry direction.

           The fifth annual meeting of the seventh session gathered members from different fields, including unit members, technical committee members, standard working committee members, testing and quality Management Committee members, experts committee members, and individual members of the association, including Changsha Zhonglian Pump Industry Co., Ltd. and other outstanding units.

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           At the meeting, Li Zhipeng, chairman of Hunan General Equipment Industry Association, made a comprehensive summary of the work in 2023 and proposed a work plan for 2024. It is particularly proud that Changsha Zhonglian Pump Co., Ltd. won the honorary title of "2023 Advanced Unit" issued by the association. Li Zhipeng said that for this honor, Changsha Zhonglian pump industry has deserved pride. Looking to the future, the company will continue to strengthen its own product research and development, ensure product quality, and make greater contributions to enterprises, associations and countries.

           At the eighth session of the first director election meeting, 21 members of Changsha Zhonglian Pump Industry Co., Ltd. were successfully elected as the eighth director of Hunan General Equipment Industry Association through the election of all members. At the same time, the executive director, vice chairman and chairman were elected, and the Secretary-General was appointed. Subsequently, the eighth session of the Hunan General Equipment Industry Association a council meeting was quickly held.

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           The successful holding of this meeting has established a clear direction and goals for the future development of the members of the association, and we can confidently look forward to the development blueprint of the general equipment industry in Hunan Province in the next five years, and live up to the original intention!

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